Bedtime Yoga Helps You Sleep

Published by FOSHAN LEIZI FURNITURE CO., LTD May 17,2024

   When buying a mattress, everyone recommends a gel memory foam mattress, because it can relieve fatigue and stress, and help sleep; it would be even better if it is paired with bedtime yoga. Studies have shown that many yogis find that yoga helps them get better sleep and also relieves stress. This means that the combination of bedtime yoga and the gel memory foam mattress is more conducive to sleep, so that insomniacs will no longer suffer from insomnia.


   When we do bedtime yoga, we must pay attention to the importance of breathing. Breathing is the key to relaxation. Breathing in yoga is as important as body posture. Breathing is skillful, we have to breathe slowly and calmly. There is a kind of breathing called Ujjayi breathing, inhale deeply through the nose, and breathe slowly to soothe yourself. After bedtime yoga, lay down on the gel memory foam mattress for a relaxing night's sleep.


    Bedtime yoga requires long-term persistence. After doing 20-30 minutes of yoga before going to bed every day, lie on the gel memory foam mattress to sleep, and you will be able to sleep comfortably. What we need to do is to stick to 20-30 minutes of yoga practice every day and let ourselves breathe slowly, which will effectively improve our sleep over time.


   Bedtime yoga can allow insomniacs to breathe slowly and relax their bodies; gel memory foam mattresses can promote blood circulation. The combination of the two can effectively release fatigue and stress, allowing insomniacs to relax and have a peaceful sleep.


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