The Appearance Of Body Signals Reminds You To Change Your Home Mattress

Published by FOSHAN LEIZI FURNITURE CO., LTD May 17,2024

   When people are sleeping, the mattress not only has direct contact with the human body, but also bears all the weight of the body, so the mattress is the key to healthy sleep. Compared with hotel mattresses, home mattresses are more closely related to us; if a person's sleep time is calculated on the basis of 8 hours, then we spend one-third of a day lying on home mattress. But home mattresses have a service life. And when it is time to change the mattress, our body will tell us.


1. Waking up with back pain

    After a night's sleep, you feel back pain, general fatigue and other adverse symptoms. At this time, you should check the home mattress you sleep on, because a mattress that suits you will relax your body and mind.


2. Sleep time is getting shorter and shorter

    If the time of waking up in the morning is getting earlier every day, it means that there is a serious problem with the mattress you sleep on. The mattress has been used for too long and cannot bear all the weight of your body well, which affects sleep; The shortening may also be due to the fact that the mattress can no longer be used. A good home mattress can improve insomnia and fall asleep easily.


3. Abnormal sound from the mattress

   You can hear the sound of the mattress when you roll over on the bed, and you can feel your body sinking in; these situations all indicate that the mattress can no longer be used, and the material and structure inside have been damaged.


    As long as one of the above situations occurs, you should consider replacing the home mattress; for sleep quality such as sleep time, use a good mattress and have healthy sleep.


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