What Are The Selection Tips For Student Mattress

Published by FOSHAN LEIZI FURNITURE CO., LTD May 17,2024

    It is especially necessary to be cautious when choosing a student mattress, because the child's body is in the growth stage, and once the wrong choice is made, it will have a bad impact on the child's body. As a professional mattress manufacturing company, LEIZI would like to share with you how to choose a mattress suitable for students?


    When choosing a student mattress, you should pay attention to whether the mattress provides enough support for the child's shoulders, waist, and hips so that the child's spine maintains a natural physiological neutral position. Student mattresses should be moderately soft and hard, not too soft or too hard, which can spine protect; mattresses that are too hard or too soft will cause damage to the spine. Therefore, choose a student mattress that can provide effective support and spine protect for your child's growing spine, and is suitable for your child's growth and development.


    LEIZI has 19 years of experience in the production and development of mattresses. It belongs to an experienced mattress manufacturing company and has a certain say in the materials of student mattresses. LEIZI recommends that student mattresses choose latex mattresses. Because the latex mattress has good air permeability and the surface of the vent hole is smooth, and the fragrance of the latex mattress makes many mosquitoes reluctant to approach, so it can effectively prevent mosquito bites. Importantly, latex mattresses are suitable for various groups of people, whether adults, babies or children.


    High-quality student mattresses can shape the correct sleeping posture and spine protect, and can also ensure the quality of sleep and promote the secretion of growth hormone in children.


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